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Medical CRM - how to keep patients?

The phrase "patient-centered healthcare" is very widely used today.  Patients are also contributing to changes in the working conditions of doctors, becoming increasingly demanding in terms of the choice of doctor and the health services provided. This means that improving the quality of medical care and patient relationships is becoming increasingly important. 

The use of medical CRM software, (Client relationship management software) can greatly help and facilitate the physician's placement of the patient in the health care center. 
Here are five ways healthcare executives can benefit from CRM software in medicine:

1. Know your patients in detail

Marketing is much more effective when you know the audience well. This also applies to medicine. The information you get from a medical CRM software will give you a great deal of detail about your patients: their socio-demographic status, what medications they take, current health issues, what other doctors care about their health, etc.
At the micro level, CRM will give you a chronology of the patient's health status. At a macro level, it can guide you on what types of patients are prevalent in your practice (gender, age, place of residence, nosology, etc.) and make it easier for you to make decisions about how you work and further develop the practice.

2. Build more lasting relationships with patients

There are already plenty of studies showing that a stronger doctor-patient relationship leads to much better treatment outcomes. This connection is very personal and trusting on both sides. The doctor must be sure that the patient is not hiding something from him, and the patient should be able to trust the doctor and tell him everything about his condition - without fear or shame.

According to a study by the Society for Participatory Medicine, the majority of patients interviewed indicated that they wanted to have a more reliable relationship with their physician. How exactly does this happen in a busy practice where you see hundreds of patients a week? With CRM software, of course. The CRM platform very quickly gives you a clear idea of ​​each patient's profile using cloud technologies that combine information from: electronic health records, health screenings, portable sensors (smart devices such as a smartphone or bracelet that record) heart rate, blood pressure, heart rate data, etc.), past review notes. This is the most effective way to monitor the condition of each individual patient and apply a personal approach.

Increasingly popular today are various websites and platforms for physician patient ratings. Very often, people review the information on these websites before deciding who is the best doctor for them. In some countries, based on these ratings, private health insurance companies evaluate what coverage they offer their clients for a doctor's appointment, and sometimes government reimbursement for treatment at hospitals depends on this type of rating.

Building relationships with patients should not be subordinated to the goal of a physician getting a higher rating in these systems. Good doctor-patient communication leads to more engagement on both sides, more confidence and better patient health outcomes. The confidence created helps patients feel more confident and share their medical concerns more openly. It is trust that causes patients to return to the same doctor and refer their friends and relatives to the doctor.   

3. Get patients actively involved in health care

Improving the quality of health care begins with the patient. The patient's compliance with the prescribed treatment and the doctor's recommendations is essential for the outcome of any medical condition. When the patient is convinced to partner with the doctor and becomes engaged, everyone wins.

In a Society for Participatory Medicine 88 study,% of patients thought that if they partnered with their physician they would achieve better treatment outcomes. This claim is also supported by the interviewed physicians.

In that case, if both sides agree, where did the divergence come from? Doctors need the right tools to monitor the status of each of their patients, as well as tools to communicate with them. CRM systems play a key role here. Imagine being able to set up automatic medication reminders, upcoming follow-up examinations, or putting vaccines on a patient's profile - this will make it easier for both your daily life and that of the patient. With CRM tools this is possible.

4. Run more successful marketing

Yes, medical care also needs marketing just like any other service. By offering a better patient experience, you are indirectly assisting the healing process. Consumer experience is at the heart of any successful marketing and a good CRM platform can help a great deal in this regard.

With the CRM platform, you will get to know your target audience better, you will be able to segment your patients more effectively so that you can better communicate with them. A good platform enables you to turn people who have just called to ask if you are working on Wednesday, into patients. It will give you the information you need to improve your relationships with your current patients and win new ones.

In modern healthcare, the focus is no longer so much on viewing as many patients as possible, but on placing the patient at the center. Most older medical software is not designed to focus on the patient. Therefore, more resourceful and advanced medical practices and medical centers are focusing on using CRM solutions to create a smoother user experience for the patient - from regular inquiry to regular office visits.

If we were able to intrigue you with the capabilities of medical CRM to achieve better physician-patient communication, please visit our physician section and familiarize yourself with the details Consento platform capabilities.

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